Friday, June 20, 2008

Wishful thinking Rob

That's what Rob thinks because he just, for whatever reason, can't bring himself to believe that Iron Man is a Skrull. Hero worship is a powerful thing I suppose. It all makes sense though, doesn't it? I mean who has done more to divide the heroes in the Marvel Universe than Iron Man lately. Divide and conquer anyone? He tore the fabric of the universe basically in 2 with the whole Civil War thing which puts the Skrulls in prime position to invade. It all makes sense to me.

Unless, and feel free to insert a giant drum roll here, Spider Man is a Skrull. That's right, Spider Man. He has played both sides of the Civil War coin and has worked pretty hard in his own right to divide the heroes. He may be the link to this whole thing. I know what you're thinking, Marvel wouldn't Skrull Spidey after the whole Spider Clone debacle would they? If you're thinking they wouldn't screw that up again I would like to welcome you to the world of Marvel Comics as you are obviously new here.

What if the Peter Parker we all know and love is a filthy, dirty, disgusting, Skrull? Wouldn't that set you on your collective asses?
I think it would.

Of course none of it matters as they are going to reboot the entire Marvel Universe anyway after Punisher shows up and kills everyone. Or maybe it's just coincidence that they are re-releasing the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe one shot right before he gets involved in Secret Invasion.

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